Thursday, 29 September 2011

Planning: Semiotic analysis of Pendulum - Crush single cover

This single cover by Pendulum, a drum & bass band, connotes horror and also a degree of mystery. While human figures are identifiable on the image through the shapes of hands and faces seemingly screaming or in pain, the viewer is unable to view them in any detail due to the "thick glass" effect, which seperates the viewer from the characters preventing them from sympathising like they would with horror movie characters due to the surreal angle they view it from. This also leaves it very ambiguous what is actually being depicted, with the camera focus being on unneccessary detail on the glass such as scratches rather than the details beyond. The dark, monotonous colour scheme also creates a gloomily surreal atmosphere which furthers these horror connotations. Overall the viewer is kept disconnected from the cover which may make them naturally curious to watch the video, yet aware that there are horror connotations at play.


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